Success Tips

21 Quick Tips For Success
  1. Better Listening Means More Enrollments
    • Listen to what they are saying, listen for their "WHY" They will tell you!
  2. Smile On Your Calls
    • You can hear a smile through the phone! 
    • This will help you sound more helpful and interested in what they are saying.
  3. Focus On How Many People You Can Talk To Vs. How Many People You Can Enroll
    • Always ask yourself, "How many people can I help today, how many people can I talk to?"
    • If you are doing the work, the enrollments WILL come, trust the numbers.
    • This is a numbers game, how many seeds can you plant? When you get the numbers you will start to see the enrollments flow in.
  4. If An Advertising Method Isn't Working, Try Something Else
    • Don't get frustrated
    • Ask for help!
    • If may be something as simple as your not posting on a good site, or your ad needs a little tweaking.
  5. Do Something Today Completely Out Of Your Comfort Zone
    • Join the Facebook group, host a team call, be a guest on a team call
    • Start calling your leads
    • Share your business with someone in person
  6. Instead Of Focusing On The Negative, Find Something POSITIVE To Focus On
    • YOU have the choice of how your day is going to go
    • Ask yourself "Is this going to be a good day or a bad day?"
    • Attitudes are contagious!
  7. Be Grateful For What You Already Have
    • Having an attitude of gratitude with effect your attitude in a positive way!
    • You have your health, sight, hearing, smell, brain power to function and comprehend.
  8. Make Someone Smile Today
    • The best way to cheer your day up is to cheer someone else's day up!
    • Making others feel good, makes you feel good.
  9. Readers Are Leaders!
    • ALWAYS be reading something to help your personal development and business development
    • Always work on bettering yourself, no matter how successful you get
  10. Listen To Training Call Every Week
    • Don't ever feel like you've arrived.
    • Always grow yourself, everyday
    • You will learn something new each time your on a call
    • If you're New listen to 3-5 calls a week
    • If you've been here for a couple of years listen to 1-2 a week
  11. Stay In Contact With Your Enroller
    • Learn from your upline
    • We LOVE to hear from YOU!
    • We will work closer and give more of our time with those on our team we hear from 
    • Hearing from you lets us know as leaders you are taking this business serious 
  12. Make Your Team Members Feel As Special As They Are
    • Be their cheerleader!
    • We get paid to socialize and make friends
    • People Love praise and will work harder for praise
  13. Don't Forget About You
    • Cheer yourself on
    • Keep moving forward everyday
  14. Laugh Off Your Mistakes And Keep Pressing Forward
    • Mistakes mean you are learning and growing
    • Don't let your mistakes stop you from reaching your goals and dreams
  15. Take One Day Off Per Week To Enjoy Family
    • That's are reason for working from home, so we can enjoy our family
    • Take a day to re-energize and re-coop 
  16. Make A To-Do List Every Morning
    • This task will keep you motivated, organized and on track for the day
    • Checking off your list of things you have accomplished is empowering
    • Having a daily To-Do list will help you accomplish more in your day 
  17. Treat Your Business Like A Business Not Like A Hobby
    • Treat it like a business equals business income
    • Treat it like a hobby equals hobby income
    • Be your toughest boss you've ever had, it will pay off
    • Respect your business and it will respect you back
  18. Don't Spend Too Much Time On The Busy Work, Pick Up The Phone
    • The more people you talk to, the more people you help and enroll
    • focus on your team and calling new prospects
    • Don't organize your leads in alphabetical order or by time zones, JUST CALL THEM!
  19. Lead By Example, Don't Just Talk About It
    • Be on the top producer lists
    • Be in the Centennial club
    • Help your team reach team bonuses
  20. Small Action Steps Compounded Over Time Will Take You To The Top
    • Place your Ads daily
    • Call your leads daily
    • Have 3-5 or 6-10 conversations daily
    • Place flyers around town consistently
  21. Don't Quit Before The Blessing!
    • Your first year is the hardest, it will pay off if you stay with it
    • All of the top earners in the company have stayed past their first year or mistakes and failures
    • Keep going, Don't give up
    • Obstacles are a part of like!
    • You have to get through the rough parts to get to the blessing 

20 Tip For Time Management.

1) Create a designated work space - separate room for work space.

2) Schedule your time - 30 min chunks or hour chunks, p.m in morning-return emails-9-12 - 12-2 make/ take calls no matter what!make it work for you! 

3) Determine what part of the day you have the most energy and are more productive - mornings!

4) Create A To-Do list! - daily, weekly and  monthly  (Have to / Like To)

5) Focus on what you're doing! - Do one thing at a time! 

6) Stop Checking your email every 5 mins! - Huge time waster! Check it after you complete a task! 3 -5 times a day!

7) Eliminate Distractions! - TV, FB, Instagram, Games, Entertainment.

8) Don't Take Personal Calls - 

9) Shut the door! - work in a quiet place, eliminate distractions!

10) Log What You DO! - monitor what you do on a daily basis. see where you may be lacking/wasting time. Will help you with enrollments

11) Multitask! - get more than one thing done at a time! Use your surroundings as examples of what "they" may have.

12) Work in 30 min blocks - pick activity you need to complete, do it for 30 mins, (ex. emails, marketing, etc)

13) Ask Someone to watch your kids! - Schedule play dates with other WAH moms.

14) Ask For Help! - you shouldn't have to do it all, all the time! give some tasks to other family members.

15) Use Technology! - Social Media, Instant Messaging, Texting, Emails, Apps for to-dos, scheduling etc

16) Team Calls!!! - HUGE time saver for everyone! all have the same questions, jump on calls and learn together. get on your team calls and when you team 
      grows hold your own team calls! give out info, answer questions, record them and post on website!

17) Teams Facebook Group!- Send an invite to Kristie at

18) Wake up 15 mins earlier then you need to every morning! - enjoy peace & quiet., have coffee and listen to personal development. 

19) Take Care Of Yourself! - plenty of sleep, eat healthy, exercise regularly

20) Give Yourself Time to create an efficient routine - requires discipline and time management. it will create higher self esteem! (30, 60, 90 days)

What NOT To Do In Your Business

1) Waiting For Your Enroller To Call You And Offer Help.

It is crucial to call your enroller if you need help. Your enroller is running the business and helping several different people get started, finish training as well as running their business. Your enroller is not your boss, you enrolled in this business to have time and freedom, your enroller doesn't know how you are working your business, so it is your obligation to reach out to them if you need help or have a question. Never feel like you are bothering them!! We are here to help!

2) Not Being Prepared For Dream Stealers.

Usually friends and family are the ones telling you this wont work, you cant do that, you should get a real job... and so on. The people who are telling you this, they don't know about the business, they don't know what it all entails. A lot of the time new IBO's will reach out to the friends and family before they know the ins and Outs of the business, before they know how to present the business and that can cause those comments to be said. Wait until you are trained on how to explain the business. Some people also like to wait until they get a few checks before they share the business opportunity with family or friends.Ask yourself who are you going to listen to? The person who doesn't know the business and isn't a part of the business OR the person who enrolled you and is working the business just as you are and the people working the business along side you.....

3) Spending Too Much Time On Busy Work

Starting a new business is exciting, you can set up your home office, create a business plan, get business cards set up, run to office depot and get all kinds of stuff to decorate your home office! You must remember that the MOST important thing is to get your initial enrollment back and build up your business so you don't have to worry about the overhead each month! Spend 15% of your time doing "busy work" and 85% on actively marketing and talking with prospects.

4) Having Unrealistic Expectations With Income

AmeriPlan is a legitimate and well respected real business, Not a "get rich quick business". Easy Fix: A real legitimate business takes time to build. Should take 1-3 months minimum, you can also make $1,000 your first 30 days. If you work your business 2-4 years working 15-30 hours a week you will earn a lifetime residual income! You won't get that by working a J.O.B for 2-4 years...

5) Having Unrealistic Expectations On Advertising And Results

BE CONSISTENT in your advertising. Post 3-5 times a day, post new ads each week on multiple advertising and marketing sites! You won't get results by posting 1-2 forms of advertising and waiting for the phone to ring. It Won't Happen! It takes consistent ongoing effort.  Master 5 forms of marketing & advertising a week. Once you master marketing, you master your business. BE CONSISTENT!

6) Not Completing Your Training or Skipping Steps

A lot of people get super excited and skip over steps of training and try to master the business. When your team asks questions, always ask and make sure they completed their training.  Do your training in order, it's there because you need it and it works! It's like trying to multiply before you learn to add.

7) Failing To Participate in 2-5 calls per week

These calls are your ongoing training! The 30 day training is just the foundation, the training calls will help you build your business on that foundation. There are about 20 calls per week you can join in and listen to and get great tips from. If you aren't able to listen to the live calls you can always listen to the recordings of the calls.

8) Quitting Before The Blessings

This business takes time to grow and be successful! Don't quit before your blessing come, stay determined and commit to this for a year, and you will see growth in your business. As you grow your team you see that in your income. If you work your business consistently and stay strong and committed, your goals and dreams for the business will come to life! You being here is the first success and time will come second. Train yourself to have a business mindset and NOT a job mentality. For example: If you are 300lbs overweight and your doctor told you to take a pill for 12 weeks and you will see amazing results. You take the pill for 5 weeks and don't see any results, are you going to stop taking the pill? No, because the doctor just told you it will take 12 weeks to see any result! Don't quit right before you're about to strike gold!

9) Overlooking the Importance of Setting a Schedule and Goals

You really need to set a schedule for yourself! Create a schedule and stick to it. If you miss hours - make it up somewhere else in the week. If you work Monday -  Friday from 8am -3pm and one day you have something come up that takes away from your work time, make it up later during the week or on a weekend. Treat your business like a job outside the home. If you are late to work, unreliable, not getting things done, you will get fired from that job, well here you won't get fired, however, you won't get paid. Respect your business and treat it like the business you want it to be and know it can be and NOT where you are today! Set goals for yourself and keep track of where you are in your business. Set goals for how many pieces of business you want to add each week and month, how many Ads you want to create per week and month and how many people you want to talk to each day, week and month. (3-5 conversations a day). Hold yourself accountable! Be honest with yourself.

10) Not Understanding The Management Trap and Not Understanding Volume Equals Results

many times people go into management mode, they get a team built and focus a lot of their time on helping the team, manage the team, do everything for the team and forget about their business. You have to always have new people to talk to. Help your team but also cut out time in your day to add to your business and success. The more people you add to your team, the more your team with grow and the more money you will generate. Same goes for your team, the more they build their team, the more money they receive. Lead By Example!! 

11) Getting Emotionally Attached To Your Prospects

Example: You have a great conversation with a prospect and they ask you to call them back on Friday at 1:00pm. You give them a call on Friday at 1:00pm and are super excited to get them enrolled and have them start building their dreams. You call and they don't answer and they don't follow back up with you. Instead of getting upset or down and loose your momentum, have the attitude like, You gave them great information about an amazing opportunity that is their loss and you need to call you next prospect.  Sometime people don't have the courage to tell you no over the phone and when they tell you they want a call back, they have already decided in their minds they aren't going to do this. Have the attitude that if you talk to them and they enroll, GREAT! If not, move on and help someone else join. Always Focus Forwards and Not Backwards! Focus on talking to new people!

As we know Ameriplan has an AMAZING training program! Our training program will teach you everything about this business you need to be successful! Here are 9 steps that will BOOST your Business! 

9 Steps To Boost Your Business!

1. Write Down Your WHY!!!
Why are you doing this? What is your greatest desire that will keep you going when the road blocks come?

2. Write Down Your Goals And Hold Yourself To Them!
a. Setting goals is the first step to turn the invisible into the visible! Ex: IBO enrollments, Benefit enrollments, Ads per day, training calls, Set goals for each Day/Week/Month/Year.

3. Set A Schedule!
a. Account for time to listen to training calls, Ibo calls, Family time, Presentations, Advertising and more!

4. Massive Action! What It Takes To Get It Done!
a. Never stop, never put your business on hold. If you respect your business, it will respect you back!
b. Action steps: generating leads, calling leads, talking to leads, 3-5 conversations a day 5 days a week!
c. Keep it simple

5. Be The Student!
a. Always listen to advice from top producers!
b. Surround yourself with successful people and you too will be successful!
c. You will learn and develop successful habits and behaviors.

6. Condition Your Brain!
a. Attitude is 90% of your business, 10% can be taught!
b. Personal development is so important!
c. Listen to some Dani Johnson audios on Youtube!
d. Sign up for a 30 Day Bootcamp That Will Change Your Life! (IT'S FREE)

7. Embrace The Obstacles!
a. They are the pathways, stepping stones to your success.
b. You will learn and develop from it.

8. Eliminate EXCUSES!
a. Get out of your own way.
b. You were meant to prosper.
c. If it's to be, it's up to me!

9. Make A Commitment To Be Here A Year From Now!
a. Don't quit before the blessing! The first year is the hardest.
b. Don't be hard on yourself! Be the student!
c. Don't be afraid of the obstacles.

1 comment:

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