Other Training And Resources

Sign up for a 30 Day Boot camp with the amazing Dani Johnson! That Will Change Your Life! smarternetworker.com (IT'S FREE)

Listen to podcasts on Youtube.com. Here are some of the people I love to listen to:

  • Lewis Howes
  • Marie Forleo
  • Dani Johnson
  • John Assaraf
  • Les Brown
  • Tony Robbins
  • Eric Worre

Personal Development:

You've taken the leap of faith and are on your path to success and financial Freedom! We are here to help you and support you in reaching your goals! One way to reach any goal you set in life, no matter how big or small that goal may be, is YOUR MINDSET!

I am very big on personal development! When I first started with this amazing company my mindset wasn't where it needed to be for me to reach the goals I had set for my family's future. One of the biggest things I did to change that was reading at least 10 pages A DAY of some kind of personal development book. Let me tell you, IT CHANGED MY LIFE!!!! I am so much more positive, I can set goals and achieve them faster and without forcing myself to get it done. I wake up with a passion and purpose in my business everyday and I want that for you! I don't know where you are in your spiritual, mental or physical journey but I want to give you some resources that have helped change my life and my business!

Here are some amazing books you will want to get your hands on!

  • The Slight Edge By: Jeff Olson
  • Think and Grow Rich By: Napoleon Hill
  • The Magic Of Thinking Big By:David J. Schwartz
  • Secrets Of The Millionaire Mind By: T. Harv Eker
  • Go Pro By: Eric Worre
  • Creating Wealth By: Robert Allen
  • Rich Dad, Poor Dad By: Robert Kiyosaki
  • The Cash Flow Quadrant By: Robert Kiyosaki
  • The Energy Bus By: Jon Gordon
  • The Success Principles By: Jack Canfield
  • Awaken The Giant Within By: Tony Robbins
  • The Carpenter By: Jon Gordon
  • The Power Of Positive Thinking By: Dr. Norman Vincent
  • How To Win Friends And Influence People By: Dale Carnegie
  • The 4-Hour Work Week By: Timothy Ferris
  • Th Compound Effect By: Darren Hardy
  • Go For No By: Andrea Waltz and Richard Fenton
  • The Miracle Morning For Network Marketers By: Hal Elrod

If you need some more books let me know I have a ton more I can recommend!

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