How To Set Up A Google Voice Number

How to set up a google voice number

Go to

You can use a current gmail account or register for a new one.

If you're creating a new account, register for your new account.

Once you get to the google voice screen, select the box that says I accept.

Next you should see this screen:

On this screen chose the option that says "I want A New Number.

Next it will ask you to put in YOUR current cell phone number. (This will be your cell phone number you are linking the google voice number to.)

Once you enter the number you want to link, you will see a box that will have a 2 digit number. Under the number there will be a button that says Call me now. When you click that button answer your phone and enter in the 2 digit number.
NOTE: When you have verified your number this is the time to set up your voicemail greeting/voicemail. (script for that is below) 

Once you've completed that step you will now choose the number you want to use for your google voice. Start with the area code you want to use and click search numbers. For my example I used the 832 area code.

Choose a number you want to use:

Once you've selected the number you want to use click finish. NOTE: Once you set the new google voice number you will not be able to change it. Take your time.

Your google voice is now created! Awesome job! Explore this page and also download the google voice app on your Android or iphone. If you need any further assistance please reach out to me!

Have fun!

Voicemail Greeting:

Hi, you've reached the office of (Your Name). Please leave your name, number and a brief message and I will return your call promptly. I'm looking forward to having a conversation with you.

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