Social Media Marketing

If you are completely new to social media I would suggest going to our workshop. There you will learn how to get started and set everything up.

If you have your social media platforms set up and you want to start networking with people, here are some resources and tips you can use!

Branding Yourself On Social Media:

Make your page public. Don't be a sales person, Don't brand the company or the service, brand YOU!

Give something or share something

    • New recipes
    • Books,
    • Inspiration
    • testimonies
Reach out to 3-7 people a day, not to sell but to be a genuine friend!

Don't be negative, controversial or judgmental.

Post 4 times a day 6 to 7 days a week!

  1. Something you like/love
  2. Your hobby/passion
  3. Family/personal
  4. Business/service
Remember - People won't do business with you unless they know, trust and like you!

Be yourself, Be real, Be Positive and Be uniquely You!

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